Wednesday, June 14, 2006

Retrospect: It Is Decidedly So

Mere hours after (re)launching Female Front radio, I was contacted by Charlene, the singer and guitarist for a band out of England called Retrospect, who were looking for promotional outlets for female-fronted bands. How's THAT for results?! So, I guess my little re-branding idea worked? Could be.

Anyway, for being the FIRST band to contact the new station, I promised Charlene a plug in this blog, and a spot on the Female Front playlist (coming as soon as they can ship their CD halfway around the world). So check out Retrospect's Myspace page, which has four tracks available for your listening pleasure. I especially like "No not now", for its melody and some nice riffage from Charlene.

And I can't fault anyone who respects the Magic 8-Ball. Will Retrospect be a successful act? Signs point to yes!

(God, that was awful. Sorry.)

Just to give you an idea of what a Retrospect gig is like, here's a photo of drummer Andrea, Charlene, and bassist Rich loosening-up. Yeah, but you should see them when they've been drinking.

So, cheers to Retrospect, and thank you for contacting Female Front! Here's wishing you the best of success.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

LOLZ. Omg -_- That has to be a picture that sums Rich up all the way! Good luck to these guys theyre great! x